
The Ma'had al Jami'ah Building at UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta has been established since 2020, with a four-story building with a capacity of 360 students. Operationally, it will begin to be used in 2022 to carry out training for Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) for the Qur'an and Worship.

In 2024, Ma'had al Jami'ah will be named Ma'had al Jami'ah Ronggowarsito Islamic Boarding School for Students. At this time the service is developing with Islamic boarding school services through a four-year curriculum in stages accompanying the development of Islamic studies, so that the function of ma'had begins to grow as a form of assistance to the growth of Islamic studies capacity in student lectures. However, this unit still carries out the function of supporting the implementation of the SKL test for worship and the Qur'an.

Ma'had services began to grow in accordance with the organizational mandate and management governing the position of Ma'had al Jami'ah. In addition to Islamic study services such as Islamic boarding school patterns, Ma'had also develops student capacity in areas of interest and talent that are relevant to the function of Ma'had.